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Research Interests
My research focuses on usable security and privacy, including passwords, online behavioral advertising, and privacy decision-making. In particular, I am fascinated by how to provide average users all of the information they need to make security and privacy decisions. I also work on both privacy and usability issues related to smart homes and home automation, as well as on network security. In the past, I have investigated security and privacy issues in social media, as well as the cultural dimensions of privacy, though I no longer actively work in those areas. I try to do work that will positively impact society and public policy, yet is strongly grounded in the techniques of computer science.

Research Advisors
Lorrie Cranor from Carnegie Mellon University is my primary academic advisor. I'm privileged to collaborate with many other students and faculty, including Lujo Bauer and Nicolas Christin at Carnegie Mellon University, Michael Littman at Brown University, and Jaeyeon Jung and Stuart Schechter from Microsoft Research. As an undergraduate, I worked with Michael D. Smith and Rachna Dhamija at Harvard University.

CV and Publications
My curriculum vitae (CV) is online. Nearly all of my publications are available online without a paywall, as they should be. I have a profile on Google Scholar that keeps track of citations.